White-gold Micromax A065 Bolt Picture 2. Mobile ID 59339

Micromax Bolt A065. 10.16 WVGA DISPLAY,1.3GHZ DUAL CORE.
RAM-512MB,ROM-4GB.Rear Camera-2MP,Front-0.3Mp.
Android Kitkat 4.4.2.Battery-20000mAH.
Superior Quality Video,Playback & Recording.Memory 32 GB SD Card.
Voltage 3.7 volt,wattage 7.40wh.Dual Sim. Data cable, Charger & Headphone.Wi-Fi,3G Smart Phone.Colour-White/Gold.I purchase 09/12/2014 Tuesday.Cash memo ready.
Thanks for Subhaditya Nath,Habra,24Pgs(North),West Bengal.pin-743271.M:9674074579.

White-gold Micromax A065 Bolt
White-gold Micromax A065 Bolt
White-gold Micromax A065 Bolt

Important: Never pay the Seller before seeing and verifying the mobile and all associated documents.

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Safety Tips for Buyers
  • Never pay the Seller before receiving and verifying the device.
  • Never scan any QR code or share OTP.
  • Ask for bill, box, accessories etc to make sure its not a stolen device.
  • Meet the Seller in a safe place preferably in daytime.
Safety Tips for Sellers
  • Never handover the phone before receiving the full amount.
  • Avoid Buyers from foreign countries.
  • Beware of Buyers from other cities.
  • Never share sensitive data of your bank account or credit card.
  • Never scan any QR code or share OTP.
  • Meet the Buyer in a safe place preferably in daytime.
  • Make sure to delete all personal data from the phone before selling.
  • Format the device or Reset to factory settings before selling.