How To Root My Android Phone in 3 Easy Steps?

Rooting your phone becomes easier now

Before we learn how to root our phone it is quite essential to know why and when should this be done. The practice of rooting a phone is like jail breaking. Rooting enables a smartphone user to modify the software code. It gives you the privilege to install on your phone whatever applications are otherwise blocked by android for security purposes. You are making changes to the source code of the operating system.

Android Phone Rooting

Of course, rooting your phone can definitely push you up your geekish ladder, it comes with certain risks though. In this article we would discover how you can root your phone with you bearing the risks. You need to be fully aware that once you decide to root your phone, your phone’s manufacturer warranty stands void.

King Root App

We introduce you to the app called “KingRoot”. This app is not available on playstore you can download from Please follow the steps below for soft rooting your Android Phone.

Verify Root Status Kingroot

1. Download and Install KingRoot App.

2. Launch the App from your Android Phone by tapping the KingRoot App icon. This will check whether the phone was previously rooted, it would also display the model code of the phone and Android version etc. If your phone was never previously rooted, you will see a message saying "Root access is unavailable".

3. Click on START ROOT button.

Root Android - Kingroot App

Now the rooting is initialized and this could take several minutes. Your phone will be successfully rooted after this step.

You can thus disable or remove apps that you are not using. This is a way in which you can soft root your phone.

Written by .
Last updated on 05-07-2017. Published on 05-07-2017.
Published by Mobiles4Sale in category Tips
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By Shahbaz on 10-08-2017
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Safety Tips for Buyers
  • Never pay the Seller before receiving and verifying the device.
  • Never scan any QR code or share OTP.
  • Ask for bill, box, accessories etc to make sure its not a stolen device.
  • Meet the Seller in a safe place preferably in daytime.
Safety Tips for Sellers
  • Never handover the phone before receiving the full amount.
  • Avoid Buyers from foreign countries.
  • Beware of Buyers from other cities.
  • Never share sensitive data of your bank account or credit card.
  • Never scan any QR code or share OTP.
  • Meet the Buyer in a safe place preferably in daytime.
  • Make sure to delete all personal data from the phone before selling.
  • Format the device or Reset to factory settings before selling.